I'm using google chrome on a Windows XP PC. There's a known bug where if your main OS language for XP is not set to Japanese, you get served CJK-unified characters by default in Chrome.
Does anyone know a workaround for this?
This is a long-standing, known bug with Chrome on Windows, where its fall-back font is "SimSun" (Chinese glyphs).
One way to fix it is to search for "Customize fonts" in Chrome's settings, and set the default serif and sans-serif fonts to something like MS Gothic and MS Mincho, respectively (or something nicer if you have them installed). This won't affect sites that explicitly specify a font, or set the language of their content correctly.
I tried to find a solution a while ago when I still used Google Chrome on Windows, but at that time I couldn't find a browser-level solution which worked (aside from overriding all fonts to use Japanese ones). Someone might post a better solution, but in the meantime, here's a quick userscript I wrote to make Japanese words/sentences use Japanese fonts on JLSE. Directions:
Install Tampermonkey from http://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/tampermonkey/dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo?hl=en
Install this userscript by visiting https://gist.githubusercontent.com/cyphr/9200163/raw/5a6f428feb7f78f6404f89a2145fe425fcf67c5e/jlsefontoverride.user.js
By default, this only changes the fonts of Japanese words on JLSE, so if you want to make it work on all websites, you can:
Click the Tampermonkey icon in the top-right of Chrome
Go to "dashboard"
Click on "JLSE Japanese font override", and replace the lines
// @include http://japanese.stackexchange.com/*
// @include http://meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/*
jQuery("span,code,p,li,b,i,em,strong,a,div.excerpt,a.question-hyperlink h2,ruby,rb,rt").contents()
// @include *
then click the "save" icon.
This may break some sites however, so it's at your own risk.
Enjoy and please report any issues/feedback here!
There appears to be an app for Chrome which forcibly changes the font settings. Note the link a couple of paragraphs down for downloading the メイリオ font which isn't included on XP (although you may have already installed it at some point).
I say 'appears' because I haven't personally tested it and don't have a windows box to hand to test it on.