Apart from lookup by radical in case I don't already know how to type the word, is there any advantage to buying the printed 大辞泉 over using weblio.jp and kotobank.jp?

  • Are there more definitions?
  • More example sentences?
  • More coverage of 方言?
  • More thesaurus features?
  • More grammar notes?

Weblio and kotobank claim to incorporate 大辞泉 and 大辞林, but I only see 大辞林 results when searching for definitions, and the entries seem concise. Do I miss out on features if I just search from the main page?

  • Don't forget you can buy a paper (or electronic) dictionary that isn't freely available online. It never hurts to have more dictionaries to consult. I like 明鏡国語辞典!
    – user1478
    Commented Sep 3, 2014 at 2:20

1 Answer 1


There's also Goo, which is my main choice. I've used an electronic version of 大辞林, and goo seems to cover more expression words. It seems to pull from 大辞泉 as well.

It also has a somewhat extensive synonym thesaurus, with 使い分け.

  • Thanks for pointing out where to get 大辞泉 definitions. For now, this just supports my hypothesis that there's no reason to spend $100 on a paper dictionary unless you're a library and thus are expected to buy such books. Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 0:27
  • Yeah, I agree. For the expressions goo doesn't have, I google them, and weblio's 日本語表現辞典 pops up surprisingly often. Less frequently, zokugo (they explain etymology which is like bleh TLDR sometimes). The wiki also has more info. meta.japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/756/…
    – Rimilel
    Commented Aug 29, 2014 at 0:45

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