Currently, we have two "live" ads, shown here:
I haven't actually seen them on the main page, but apparently the counter increases, when clicking the ad on the above page, too.
I clicked the Korean Language proposal ad 6 times & the resources ad once (on that page, not in the Community Ads meta post). Now the "clicks per day" have to increased to 6 & 1 clicks total, but these stats are not from them being shown as ads!
I have refreshed myself through about 50-60 different ads (questions and Area 51 proposals). The Korean proposal pops up every now and then, but that seems to be the up-to-date ad, coming directly from, not from our Community Ads. (The way to tell the difference is with the link, but also visually: the adzerk ad has "42% committed", whereas the community ad shows "39% committed".) (Related question on Meta.)
So I'm left wondering are the Community Ads actually working?