I've put together some charts that track JLU's beta health meters at Area51 on an hourly basis.
- User related stats: http://webnumbr.com/.join(jlu-beta-total-users.all,jlu-beta-avid-users.all,jlu-beta-visits-per-day.all).default
- Question related stats: http://webnumbr.com/.join(jlu-beta-questions-per-day.all,jlu-beta-answers-per-question.all).default
(Thanks to WebNumbr.)
Notes on usage:
- Don't jump to conclusions! These charts are only a few days old, as of this writing. You should wait at least more than two weeks to see if there is a general trend.
- Interpret with caution! I implore you to read this article "Does this site have a chance of succeeding?" before drawing any conclusion from the numbers.
So, to all the numberphiles out there, enjoy!