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Questions tagged [tag-synonyms]

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What is the difference between the "Parsing" tag and the "Reading Comprehension" tag?

I feel like these two tags are mostly synonymous. Both are about understanding a sentence. I agree that "Parsing" is more of an analysis and micro-inspection of which part of the text while &...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
3 votes
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Create tag synonym between 'て-form' and 'te-form'

Both of these are in the front page right now. Could someone with the relevant permissions make them synonyms?
melissa_boiko's user avatar
4 votes
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Merge counter-words tag with counters

In chat, broccoli forest noticed that counter-words and counters were duplicates: counter-words: 助数詞. Suffices attached to a number to use the number to count things, people, or events. counters: ...
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Do we need all three tags "set-phrases", "expression" and "idioms"?

Apparently this has been discussed already 4 years ago. We have three tags idioms Questions about those phrases with fixed words used as a single unit, which typically have a meaning beyond what is......
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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Should we merge the tag "written-conventions" into "orthography"?

We have two tags: written-conventions - 15 questions, no tag wiki orthography - 78 questions, has a tag wiki I don't really see a reason to keep written-conventions as a separate tag. It seems to ...
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7 votes
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Should we merge the verse tag into poetry?

Right now, verse has 5 questions, while poetry has 2. I don't really see a difference or a need for two tags, so I was thinking I'd merge them both into poetry. But I thought I'd ask on meta first. ...
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Proposed Synonym: Intonation => Pitch Accent Considering 4 out of 5 questions deal with it directly/also include it, it seems to make sense to fold the two together. Thoughts?
Kaji's user avatar
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Kana tag synonyms for the particle tags

I started to make some new tags for particles just so they could then be made synonyms of the existing ASCII tags. For example we have particle-wa and I made は. I didn't realize at the time that I ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Should the "differences" and "word choice" tags be made tag synonyms?

I can't really tell which tag to use over the other. Even the tag descriptions seem almost identical: Word-choice: The differences between two or more words or phrases and how to select the best ...
rurouniwallace's user avatar
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Burninate [spelling]

spelling is redundant. It should be a synonym of orthography.
Mechanical snail's user avatar
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About the pronunciation tags

We have several tags relating to pronunciation. Some can be distinguished as follows: readings: how the orthography is mapped onto phonemes phonology: rules about phonemes of the language (e.g. ...
Mechanical snail's user avatar
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Some tag synonyms to create

I apparently don't have enough "tag score" to even suggest these so let me suggest them manually here on meta: The existing male-speech tag needs the newer tag masculine-speech made a synonym The ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Adding alternative tags for particles

I am only a semi-frequent visitor, but I really enjoy the site. It's kind of a pain to fumble around with the tags. I think it would be VERY easy to add some tag alternatives and save all users, new ...
Wolfpack'08's user avatar
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Merge or reword the "set-phrases" and "expression" tags?

I wrote the tag wiki for the set-phrases tag, which is used 11 times and reads: Phrases with fixed words used as a single unit, many of which are idioms. We also have a expression tag which I ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Merge the [salutations] tag to the [greetings] tag

We should merge salutations (1 question) to greetings (3 questions) and make the former a synonym for the latter. (Currently there are not enough high-rep users to do this without moderator actions.)
Tsuyoshi Ito's user avatar
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Should we merge the "informal" and "colloquial" tags?

This question over whether or not to merge informal and colloquial may be a bit trickier than some other tag merging proposals. I took the liberty of asking over on English L&U about the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Should the tags "sentence-structures" and "syntax" be merged?

I think syntax is the technical and linguistic term for the more popular sentence-structures tag used here. The Wikipedia article on syntax seems to verify this: In linguistics, syntax ... is the ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Should we merge the "reference" and "resources" tags?

The tags reference and resources seem to cover the same fields and be used by the same kinds of questions, and about half the time both tags are used on the same questions. Vote to merge or clarify ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Should we merge the "internet-japanese" and "internet-slang" tags?

Are the two tags internet-japanese and internet-slang really the same or is there a case for tagging non-slang Internet Japanese separately, if such a thing exists?
hippietrail's user avatar
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What to do with the "words" and "vocabulary" tags?

Currently we have both words and vocabulary tags which seem both pretty alike and pretty vague but each have a number of questions under them. From looking at the questions of each I couldn't quite ...
hippietrail's user avatar
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6 votes
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Word-origin & etymology tags, consolidate? synonymate?

There seems to be some posts with the tag word-origin that i think should be either change to etymology or made synonyms of etymology. This question is slightly related to Should we consolidate the ...
Mark Hosang's user avatar
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Should the "study" and "learning" tags be made synonyms?

The tags study and learning seem to cover the same area as far as I can see. Should we make them synonyms? If not can we clarify what is different about them so people can choose between them ...
hippietrail's user avatar
  • 15.5k
2 votes
2 answers

Would there be any benefit to having a "gairaigo" tag in addition to the "loanwords" tag?

Are the terms "gairaigo" and "loanword" synonymous within the scope of this website? I've seen people use the term "gairaigo" within questions, answers, or comments; and I considered adding it as a ...
hippietrail's user avatar
  • 15.5k
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2 answers

"pronounciation" tag should be "pronunciation" instead

The correct noun for "to pronounce" is "pronunciation" (without one 'O'): So how would we rename the tag? Or would someone ...
Lukman's user avatar
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